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Loud Mornings

Shooting At Drake’s House + White Ish Wednesday 5-8-24

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Did Kendrick Win Rap Battle Over Drake & Met Gala 5-7-24

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The Latest In Drake vs Kendrick Rap Battle 5-6-24

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Funk Flex On Drake VS Kendrick Lamar & Summer Jam Announcement 5-3-24

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Listener Thoughts on Drake vs Kendrick & Boxing Bonchiche 5-2-24

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Kendrick Lamar’s Euphoria + White-ish Wednesday

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Got the Bootlegs & NBA Playoffs 4-30-24

Laura Never Loses – 5:25.542 Flashing Lights – 9:13.532 Congratulations You Played Yourself – 13:59.315 Dj John – 31:30.082 Flashing Lights – 42:40.903 Got the Bootlegs & NBA Playoffs – 49:40.323 The Guru’s – 1:03:17.290 Flashing Lights – 1:13:21.282

Knicks Fans Call In & Movies Didnt Stand Test of Time 4-29-24

Type Size OptionsPlay from 00:00 iFrame code<iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”180″ allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write” frameborder=”0″ title=”Knicks Fans Call In & Movies Didnt Stand Test of Time 4-29-24″></iframe>

Yeezy Porn, NFL Draft & Freedom Friday Callers 4-26-24

Type Size OptionsPlay from 00:00 iFrame code<iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”180″ allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write” frameborder=”0″ title=”Yeezy Porn, NFL Draft & Freedom Friday Callers 4-26-24″></iframe>

Ebro In the Morning With Laura Stylez & Rosenberg Show 4-25-24

Beyonce Update 0:00.000 Laura Never Loses 5:35.494 Rosenberg Ruined Flashing Lights 9:55.275 Congratulations You Played Yourself 15:23.118 Current Political Updates 28:15.091 Dj John 38:03.677 Flashing Lights 42:03.862 Has Instagram Scared About Something 46:13.180 Sports Update 1:01:45.127 The Guru 1:07:30.000 How Would You Catergoized Drake to other Rap Legends 1:16:15.705